Friday, September 29, 2006
Shits and Giggles Presents: Beyonce Drunk

I was browsing Concreteloop and i found these pics that show Beyonce looking a wee bit too happy. She's an adult, so she has the right to get effed up every once-in-a-while like we do, but shit still funny. Jay-Z musta put her on da Hunch-Punch©, cus he looking way too pleased about Bey's current situation. I know dat alarm gon be ringing in her head in da morning.
Pictures from Concreteloop
Labels: Shits and Giggles
Randomness Personified

In the middle of sitting here at the front desk @ work typing my last post, i notice a girl walk by the front of the office-nothing ordinary, until i see her walk by again. She nervously steps into the office, hestiant to speak as if the thoughts in her mind weighed on her vocal chords restricting her every word. She finally speaks "Hello, do you have a girlfirend?". Me: "No, why?". She quickly hands me a neatly torn peice of a Stride Gum paper "Okay, i'm going to give you my number, call me sometime-whats your name?" Me: "Andre". "I'm Angela" Homegurl jets outta office. Leaving me confused. I was apprehensive about posting on this 'cause i didn't want anyone to think i'm boasting, cus i don't think i got it like that. It was just so random, i didn't even know people still do that stuff. She's kinda cute, i might give her a call.... what y'all think?
Labels: randomness
Youtube Fridaze (we back bitchezzz): 3 Round knock Out
Words cannot do justice to the insanity and "ridiculousness" of this video. That's why i love my country and my culture, they're the only ones capable of taking craziness to a completely different level. That reminds me, carnival is gonna jump off soon, gotta see whats good with these parties.
BTW: I love the way all the cameras come up at EXACTLY the same time, you'll see......
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
The "stupidest" negro of the week award goes to.....

Flavor Flav now has the distinct honor being my first inductee into the stupid negro of the week hall of fame. This man just broke 90%* of Americas hearts (at least the niggas i know) by booting Bootz, one of THE sexiest gurls on reality TV since...sheeieet i can't even think of anyone, prolly one of them real world broads. THE POINT IS, i think homegurl was feeling him, and he let her go cus his ass wanted to sample the goods, a reason i can understand, cus the gurl is fiyah, but he had to be petty cus homegurl wanna uphold her morals (or so she says). I gotta give it to her tho, she stood her ground and choose not to demean herself on T.V, just to stay in the game, and she exited like a true pro. By handing Flav a note with her number on it and advising him to "give me a call when you get sick of these hoes", she solidified herself in my book as a down ass chick.
*figures are in no way, shape, or form, scientific
Saturday, September 23, 2006
If This nigga don't.....
Friday, September 22, 2006
Early frontrunner for woman of the year.

Here's the full post:
As women (particularly as African American women) we suppress our sexual desires and urges because women shouldn’t enjoy sex openly. And giving head is something that only hookers, hoes, and nasty women do.
Well I recently had the best sexual encounter to date. The incredible part about this experience was I found it more self gratifying to me (internally/emotionally) than the actual fact that I physically came too many times to record. My mission was totally to please him and show my gratification for being such a great guy.
For the first time, I saw myself focusing solely on pleasing this man. It wasn’t about keeping score/track of who did what and making sure all actions were reciprocated. While I had an idea of how the sex would go down before hand and what I wanted to do, all pre-planned thoughts went out of the window.
Have you ever made love to a dick before with your mouth? For the first time, I can raise my hand high. While I am no stranger to giving head, it was normally done based off what I seen in porn or how I was feeling (which was usually when is it my turn). However, this time was an experience I couldn’t even see myself doing in my wildest dreams. It was straight out of a Zane novel, now that I think about it.
I enjoyed this man’s dick for what had to be hours (never been this long before). I took every second of every minute within the hours that passed savoring all aspects of this man’s penis. I did it slow, steady, with much conviction, and fed my appetite that hadn’t been filled in months. Nothing you would ever see in porn. I’ll admit, I have mad feelings for this guy and it helped encourage me to go all out.
For the first time, I came just watching this man enjoy my head game. For the first time, I didn’t have any real hang ups- or inhibition. While he made sure my needs were being met as well. For the first time, it didn’t really matter. For the first time I didn’t expect the man to initiate the oral sex. For the first time, I didn’t care if he ate me out or even penetrated me; for I was just happy giving him some head.
Because I pushed all of my wants and needs aside and focused on him, our sex was unbelievable. It was that kind of sex; you can’t help but think about all of the time. That kind of sex, where you don’t want to sex anyone else because it will taint that last wonderful experience. That kind of sex, that proves good loving is out there. That kind of sex, that if you were a couple, no third party could ever satisfy your needs. That kind of sex, that you damn near think didn’t really happen. That kind of sex, where you don’t wash your bed sheets for a day or two because you can still smell the scent of that man or woman. That kind of sex, you could only have with a person you are truly connected to mentally. That kind of sex, that makes you want to run a front page national ad in all major city newspapers about the good sex. Hell, it was that kind of sex that made me write
Letter of Songs
Labels: sex, sexuality, woman of the year
Blogger Beta
Edit: As it turns out, i'm in love with blogger beta, because it allows real-time embedding of videos and the like so, i can post my randomness as usual.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Live Blogging Flavor of Love 2

Yeah it's sunday nite, time for flava of love. This may be a good show this week, cus New York is in the Muthaf**kin house!! And you know what that means, bitchin and catfightin to the tenth level.
Oh Snap, dey gotta do eliminations, survivor style!!
Fuck outta here with dat shit krazy, talkin bout bootz, you don't even know the man's music, and she brought her demo tape, bitch trying to get in da music game. And she so stupid, this is a comptetion ya dee dee dee, ain't no friends.
I dunno, but i think New York may really be feelin flav, but then again, bitch is crazy, now she da head bitch in charge (HBIC), she made my point for me.
Goooolly, booty and bowling balls, can't get no betta.
On a side note, Alehouse wings are da shit!! I can eat that stuff everyday!!
Krazy dumb as a pile of rocks, she can't see thru the fact that New York is a conniving backstabber, she gon' learn, she gon' learn.
But ya know what would be funny, if she was jus a mole for flav and she jus scoping out the fakeness and she gon report back 2 flav.
Bootz. Bootz. Bootz!! Luv me some bootz. Damn, she dropped a big one on flav, flav wanna hit dat rite now. Damn Bootz, got a nigga turnin into a puppy dawg, beggin an shit. LMAO "Please don't make me wait".
Unda tha covers wit Deelishis. You know he palmin' that booty, no wait, he can't palm dat shit. No one can.
New York still can't get no play.
Now she getting jealous, she gotta stir up some shit with Deelishis.
Oh snap, she didn't evaluate her target before, attacking. Ahahaha bobble-headed bitch!!!
OHHH SNAP!!! Low ass blow, Deelishis: "no man ever fucked me and left me the next day!" ROTFL!
What the hell is flav wearing? Looks like a real arabian NIGHT wit his black ass. I see he borrowed one of his mamma head wraps that she be wearing to church.
Note to self. (B**ches love camels)
Deelishis "Krazy's an opportunist", so are you, all y'all are.
Krazy's dumb ass, slippin up again. Damn, Krazy almost got pushed over the railing. Now she trying to tell her that she gotta go cus she pushed her, as i saw it Krazy pushed first. Replay....
Dey all teaming up on Krazy. Haha. Krazy: "you two face" Deelishis: "yeah, i got one here and one here"
New york smart, she used Krazy as a catalyst to stur up some drama in the house and she picked the right one. I think Krazy may be leaving tonite folks....
New York is playing da damn game, Buckeey is a threat to her, so she gon say that she was the agressor.
Dunno bout y'all, but i hate the Sunsilk guys. Buckwild!! makes an appearance, oh and i see she got her accent back!!
What the hell kinda dumb ass broad like a guy cus he's the "Employee of the Month"?? This movie is gonna suck harder than Paris Hilton @ spring break.
New York gets the first clock, she just there for ratings, and its working like a mutha.
Yeah i knew Deelishis was gonna stay, yeah, she does kinda look like a man.
Hell yeah!! I'm glad Bootz ain't goin nowhere, she standing for wat she "believes" in. And she my favorite anyway, without a doubt.
LMAO @ Buckeey, gettin her ass kicked off, she did all the work and put out for nuttin. Her real name is Shay, damn, she look like a Shay too.
So Krazy Stays (yeah, i was wrong, i guarantee you she leaving next week) , they gon' have fun picking on her silly ass.
Next week, damn!! i'm gon watch just to see Deelishis put up the sail on the boat.
LMAO @ New York Fallin her ass off the Horse.
Well that's it for this week, i'm gon change the channel on whinin ass Fit Club, Angie Stone's complainin, excuse making, ass.
Labels: Big Booties, Bootz, dumb girls., Flavor of love 2, New York
Friday, September 08, 2006
This man right here was/is so underrated. This video is the one the got me listening to him. R.I.P Big L.
Way to drop the ball Sony, alienating your core European customers. This mess can only be attributed to the fact the the blue diode lasers (the ones that make the Blu-ray blue) can't be manufactured on time. On November 17th (if the make the damn things on time)the American market will only get 400,000 units and Japan gets 100,000 units, for a grand total of 500,000 units on launch day. Hardly big numbers when you consider that the Xbox 360 launched last year with 1.5 million worldwide units and even then there were widespread shortages. So the gamers who have been faithful to the Sony brand will be made to suffer, all because you are forcing gamers to decide the "Next-gen" optical disc wars. Yeah i'm gonna be happy with my 360 this Xmas, while little johnny cries cause mommy stood 10 hours in line with $600, only to not get a PS3.
Dolphins vs. Steelers
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Rant of the moment
Friday, September 01, 2006
This song has been my ish for about the last month now, i gotta go cop this album. This was the anthem to my summer crush, and she actually has a birthday tommorow (why i gotta have song for every girl?), so i dedicate this 2 her. Happy Birthday Beautiful, and God Bless.