The "stupidest" negro of the week award goes to.....

Flavor Flav now has the distinct honor being my first inductee into the stupid negro of the week hall of fame. This man just broke 90%* of Americas hearts (at least the niggas i know) by booting Bootz, one of THE sexiest gurls on reality TV since...sheeieet i can't even think of anyone, prolly one of them real world broads. THE POINT IS, i think homegurl was feeling him, and he let her go cus his ass wanted to sample the goods, a reason i can understand, cus the gurl is fiyah, but he had to be petty cus homegurl wanna uphold her morals (or so she says). I gotta give it to her tho, she stood her ground and choose not to demean herself on T.V, just to stay in the game, and she exited like a true pro. By handing Flav a note with her number on it and advising him to "give me a call when you get sick of these hoes", she solidified herself in my book as a down ass chick.
*figures are in no way, shape, or form, scientific
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