Change Yo Lyfe!!! Part of This Complete Breakfast.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

If you want to ass rape a franchise, at least use some lube

My love for Hollywood directors is on a slippery slope. Not only for the fact that movies now-a-days are simply half-baked cash ins on some terribly implemented idea, but are also ruining everything i hold sacred from my childhood. Companies like Disney continue to sedate classics like the Lion King and Aladdin, and then proceed to sodomize them with shitty sequels. When i heard that Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay were doing a live action version of Transformers i was overcome with two emotions, i was giddy because Spielberg was at the helm, but i was also a bit apprehensive, cause Michael Bay has been known to, how do you say.... royaly fuck up certain films (Armageddon anyone??). But now i have some visual proof, below is the Megatron i know and love/hate......

and this....

I don't even know what the fried fuck this is, but it ain't the evil motherfucker i loved to hate every saturday morning while eating my cornflakes. I don't know if kids these days are desensitized, but shit like this would scare the black off me back in the day. I dont even know if they can make this thing into a usable action figure, it looks like every corner of this fucker would remove an eye, marketing is gonna have a tough time with this one. At least they thought ahead of themselves and put an orfice in the front that kids can maime themselves with. I'm still holding out hope for this movie, but if they made Megatron into a modern day juicer, i can only imagine my boy Optimus Prime as a four slot breadmachine/truck. Note to Hollywood, please stop fucking up my nostalgic heroes.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Alison Hinds - Roll It

I Feel Soca-ish today and i happened to run into this video on
  • Someone else's blog
  • , so imma post this, this song reminds me of one particular individual**, (Damn, dat gurl is Baddd!!). Enjoy!!

    **Niggas Know....

    Xbox locks up Soccer Titles, Gives Sony a Yellow Card

    In what i consider to be a very genius and bold strategic move on Microsoft's part, they have announced at the Leipzig Games Convention in Germany on Wednesday that they have secured the rights to two of the industries most prominent soccer titles.

  • Kotaku

  • This is going to hurt Sony's soccer constabulary: Microsoft announced at today's GC Liepzig Convention that they have managed to get a complete lock on football for the 360. Pro Evolution Soccer 6 and FIFA 07 are going to be exclusive 360 titles for 12 months after street date.

    "The Xbox 360 owns football," said Microsoft's Chris Lewis.

    One thing that Microsoft really hammered in throughout their press conference was the importance of Europe. They defined it as "the battleground of the next gen console wars." Europe is a continent full of insane, slavering soccer maniacs. This is just one less incentive for the average European to buy a PS3... besides the fact that they just won't be available for awhile.

    This next-gen is gonna be fierce indeed, your move Sony...


    Today is the
  • International Student Immgration Orientation
  • at Florida International University, new students come from all across the globe to begin or continue their studies in the U.S. Since i am a Student Assistant for the International Office at this campus, my duties are to help with the logistics and set-up of this event. While i do this, i have the unique opportunity to identify my target/s of choice for the upcoming fall semester (hey, i'm just making hay-or is it lay?- while the sun shines). We have girls from all around the world visiting our campus (Brazil, Honduras, Trinidad, Jamaiaca, Japan, France, Russia, to name a few) one if the many reasons i like this school, so it is my civic duty to get acquantied with as many of them as i can, my boys tell me i don't make use of my strategic advantage well enough, so i wanna see if i can make a difference this year, i'll be sure to keep you posted.....

    Thursday, August 24, 2006

    Beenie Man Gets Married

    The "King of the Dancehall" tied the knot in a private ceremony on tuesday, a special appearance was made by the ever vibrant Vybz Kartel. His wife looks bangin' and i wish them all the best.

    Under a gunmetal grey sky and a thick canopy of clouds, Moses 'Beenie Man' Davis and Michelle 'D'Angel' Downer got married in a lavish ceremony at Crichton Estate, St. Andrew (adjacent to Chris Blackwell's Strawberry Hill) on August 22nd. The event was attended by at least 150 guests, all clad in full-white, and featured many moments of high comedy, sweet drama and at least one unexpected surprise for all those in attendance.

    The marriage ceremony got off to a late start as D'Angel, looking ravishing in a satin dress with a sweetheart neckline encrusted with swaroski crystals, was escorted down the aisle by her uncle, Loxley Downer. Beenie Man had arrived over an hour earlier, and kept guests entertained by dancing down the aisle, and giving jokes, and at one time shouted 'where is my wife?'.

    The ceremony finally got underway at about 6:15 p.m., and Reverend Al Miller, who officiated the ceremony, wasted no time in injecting a level of sobriety into the proceedings by stressing the sanctity of the covenant of marriage. Nevertheless, Beenie Man ad-libbed sections of his repeated vows, provoking delighted titters from the audience. For her part, D'Angel was quite emotional, and her cheeks were often wet with tears as she recited her vows, and there was a palpable sense of love in the air, so much so that Beenie Man had to choke back the tears standing in his own eyes as he stood beside the woman who in October, will bear his son, Marco Dean.

  • More Here:Yardflex
  • Wednesday, August 23, 2006

    Snakes on a Plane

    Tuesday, August 22, 2006

    Snakes on a muthafuggin' Plane

    See it. Why? Because it is one of the most important films in the last 10 years. No Seriously!! So very rarely can a film come out that is so bad it is good, and good enough to drive people to see in in droves (an instant cult classic before it came out). It wasn't even all that bad to begin with, it's just the idea of a movie of putting some poisonous snakes on a plane, that attck and bite the shit out of people (some of the funniest deaths i've seen in a while, btw) that give people the notion that it is a terrible movie. The plot is a bit wonky, but they tried to explain the idea of putting "snakes on a plane" as best as one could (if you can believe that). Bottom line: This movie exceeded my expectations, if you go into this movie with the sole intention of having a good time, you will not be dissapointed . Me, i was like screw it imma go see dis shit, and i have no regrets. There is a twist in the end that particularly caught me off guard, and there are a couple of jump outchyo your seat moments. Pure entertainment, especially if you bring a can of compressed air (the one you clean keyboards with) and spray it on the back of peoples necks, good times indeed.

    I'm Bacccckkk!!!

    Yeah i started this thing a few months ago with the intention of updating it a least once a day with something mildly funny and perhaps inspring and or interesting. Guess what? I got lazy, i know it must be laziness, cus

    1. Blogger is one of the easiest things in the world to publish on,
    2. There were many of times i would have liked to share my thoughts and this was the perfect vehicle.

    So, yeah, my ass got lazy. So im going to TRY my damndest to put at least one thing on this freaking blog every two days, that should be enough right??? Wether it be a pic, a video or a word i just learned. So stay tuned, it shouldn't be too boring.

    Ish i'm listening to
    Songs that are standout or are stuck in my head at the moment
    via Webjay