Snakes on a muthafuggin' Plane

See it. Why? Because it is one of the most important films in the last 10 years. No Seriously!! So very rarely can a film come out that is so bad it is good, and good enough to drive people to see in in droves (an instant cult classic before it came out). It wasn't even all that bad to begin with, it's just the idea of a movie of putting some poisonous snakes on a plane, that attck and bite the shit out of people (some of the funniest deaths i've seen in a while, btw) that give people the notion that it is a terrible movie. The plot is a bit wonky, but they tried to explain the idea of putting "snakes on a plane" as best as one could (if you can believe that). Bottom line: This movie exceeded my expectations, if you go into this movie with the sole intention of having a good time, you will not be dissapointed . Me, i was like screw it imma go see dis shit, and i have no regrets. There is a twist in the end that particularly caught me off guard, and there are a couple of jump outchyo your seat moments. Pure entertainment, especially if you bring a can of compressed air (the one you clean keyboards with) and spray it on the back of peoples necks, good times indeed.
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