Change Yo Lyfe!!! Part of This Complete Breakfast.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Effed Up Video of the Day

The scene, a crowded city street, A brand new, shiny piece of $500 of electronic equipment, just waiting to be nestled in your loving arms and connected to your television for High Definition entertainment, and...a steam roller. You have a chance to take this coveted machine home for the holidays, all you have to do is answer a few trivia questions spewed out by a morning radio DJ. What do you do? You choke, and have the whole street point and laugh while your precious prize is mercilessly pulverized. Yup, this guy is an idiot (and that was an awful trick question).

P.S Also, ummm... The PS3 caused the steamroller to pop up a few inches when it ran over the thing, prompting the question, "Does the 600$ price tag include a freaking kryptonite shell?"


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