Change Yo Lyfe!!! Part of This Complete Breakfast.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Youtube Fridaze: Cockroach scares grown ass man

Somebody get this man some balls!! Apparently he forgot them at home on the nightstand, when he left his man in bed to go his weatherman job. But i gotta admit, a cockroach did scare the shit out of me one time, i remember having that summa bitch cornered, and as i was gonna crush him with my boot, dat nigga flew at me-yeah flew at me, shit was creepy as hell, i know i ain't scream like no gurl tho and i ended up killed his airborne ass. In retrospect, i prolly shouldn't have told that story....just watch the damn video.

[That's gotta be a nasty ass television studio, for them to have cockroaches crawling around all willy nilly in that bitch like that!]



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