Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

"Students at South Shore High School in North Carolina have been passing up normal after school activities for video games...though not to play them. For the past year they've been meeting after school in order to develop meaningful video games with messages attached. It's all part of a program that melds game development with social awareness, and with the help of Global Kids and local developer Gamelab their first game has just been released online. Called "Ayiti: The Cost of Life," it puts the player in control of a family of five poor Haitians in what can best be described as a family management sim."
This game is freaking hard (as, i can imagine, life is for some people in Haiti), as well as depressing, it makes you realize that most of time you ain't got a damn thing to complain about. The game is simple, yet surprisingly deep in it's structure, the best way to describe it is a very basic game of the popular EA franchise "The Sims". Your choices include: going to work on the family farm, going to school to get an education, or going to work at the market of the factory etc,. Obviously each one of these choices have their advantages and drawbacks, as working too hard can make you sick, and not having an education prevents you from getting a better job. Levels are replaced by seasons, Summer, Hurricane, Rainy, etc, and each one of these also have good and bad aspects. The main goal of the game is to keep as many of the family members alive (there are five) by keep them happy and healthy. I think we should send a copy of this game to all the spoiled brats who whine about getting thier favorite cereal in the grocery store, you know, the ones you want to slap the shit out of, especially in the PS3/Elmo grubbing holiday season.
Monday, November 27, 2006
A solemn Promise.....
This song has been stuck in my head as one of my favorites for weeks now. I love this damn song, and i'm sure im not the only one who shares that sentiment, so i think i've finally found a way to get it out of my head and i want to share it with all of you. Enjoy... and tell me if it works.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
The Madness Continues
From Kotaku
"Two gunmen robbed a line of people waiting to buy the Playstation 3 outside a Wal-Mart store in Putnam, Connecticut early Friday morning, shooting one man for resisting, police there said.
The masked gunmen, one armed with a handgun, the other with a shotgun, confronted the line of 15 to 20 people about 3 a.m. and demanded their money. After the robbery and shooting the two fled and the victim was taken to a local hospital. His condition was unknown today."
This is beyond friggin' ridiculous, all these people (i assume about 80%) waiting to get a console they plan to sell on the internet, there is gonna be a huge saturation of PS3's on e-Bay, and pretty soon no one will want to pay 2 Grand or more for a $600 device. And i know Sony is trying to generate buzz by deliberately putting out a limited supply of consoles, but 400,000 is a really shitty number, especially in an opportunistic country such as this one. Plus i wouldn't dare buy a Launch day console, those things always have bugs.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Only in America..
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
I Called It........

Are you serious?! Less than a week after i said that Tyra is absolutely running out of ideas for her talk show, and her next move would be to dress as a homeless person, she highlights my week by proving me right(i should buy a Lotto ticket now while I'm still hot):
After her friend, Will Smith invited Banks to a screening of his upcoming movie, THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS - about a homeless father struggling to survive - the former model felt compelled to investigate America’s dirty little secret - and she was staggered by her own experience. She spent a day on the streets with homeless people and generously rewarded a handful of struggling families she came across by giving them all a lifeline to a happier life. Following the experience, which was captured for the TYRA show, Banks made a personal donation to the Los Angeles Mission, an organization that provides hope and opportunity to homeless men, women and children in Los Angeles..
This episode aired yesterday. I dunno if i saw on her on the street, i would......let's say i probably would give her more than some spare change. So wrong, i know.
Labels: Craziness
Youtube Fridaze: Smokin' Aces Trailer
I know i haven't really been consistent with these Youtube Fridaze posts, last week i blame on being out of town @ the C.S.A Conference in Gainesville, and i know i promised y'all pics and video, I'll try to post that tomorrow. That being said, this Youtube Fridaze is the trailer for the upcoming gangster action flick Smokin' Aces. I can't bloody wait for this film! So much of my favorite talent in this freaking movie (Common, Alicia Keys, Jeremy Piven, Affleck) and i love the way the story is reminiscent of British gangster films such as Snatch. I have no clue when it drops but i will be there opening day.
Labels: Video posts, Youtube Fridaze
Thursday, November 09, 2006
If you think you want a PS3 more than anyone else this Holiday.....

....Think again. Apparently, some hardcore PLAYSTATION 3 fans have already been seen forming queue for the hottest electronic item this holiday season. The system launches next week Friday, and many stores plan to hold midnight launches. The guy @ Best Buy said that they have been there since Monday, so they either got the days messed up, or they are just fucking out of their minds (what do they do for a living?!?). Things should get really interesting come launch day, prepare for riots on an epic scale. I plan to get me one but after the price has dropped significantly and the initial bugs have been sorted out.

Labels: Electronics, Gaming, PS3, Videogames
Monday, November 06, 2006
Microsoft Unveils HD Movie and TV content over Xbox Live Markeplace

I've been kinda hesitant to put tech stuff on here, i don't know why, cus i'm a huge technophile, i have way too many AC adaptors and plugs stringed around my room, it looks like a television studio in here. Anywho, Microsoft in a rather surprising move, teamed up with such powerhouse networks such as CBS, Comedy Central, MTV, and several movie studios, including Warner Bros. and Paramount to deliver high quality HD content over Xbox Live Marketplace. The service, "creatively" called Xbox Live Video was embedded in the Fall Dashboard update released to the masses on Halloween.
Xbox Live Video will allow users to download their favorite TV shows and Movies, for an as yet unannounced price, movies will be downloaded on a rental basis to be watched in a 24 hour period, while videos may remain on the hard drive for as long as the user wishes. A typical full length movie will be about 4-5GB in size and television shows will clock in at about 2 gigs. I dunno how they plan to make this thing work properly without releasing a bigger hard drive, cus i currently have 5 gigs left on my 20 gig hard drive.
I think this is a step in the right direction for Microsoft, if they want their system to be successful especially with the impending launches of the PLAYSTATION 3 and Nintendo Wii. If they manage to reduce download times, keep prices reasonable, and get some more major studios and networks on board this may be the killer app Xbox 360 needs to win the next-gen console wars. I personally could see myself downloading movies on my hard drive instead of driving to the video store, the only draw back, is that they use the convoluted Microsoft Points systems which can be really confusing. I'm really excited about this and will share my thoughts on how well this service performs when it drops on November 22 just in time for Thanksgiving.
Back to life, back to reality.....

I just got back in town from Gainesville, Gator country (gotta hand it to you, y'all have a nice school up there UF) , where i attended the 31st Bi-annual F.C.S.A (Florida Caribbean Student Association) Conference. The CSA conference is an event where all the Caribbean Students' Associations at colleges across Florida and Georgia, come together for a weekend of fun, friendship, as well as to discuss issues that are affecting students from the Caribbean. To say i had a great time, would be a tremendous understatement. The event was well put together, the host school was very hospitable, and i had the pleasure of traveling and spending the weekend with some of the coolest and most down to earth, and fun loving people from F.I.U C.S.A.
Unfortunately, we didn't win the dance competition this year (don't get too comfortable with that trophy Barry University), but if they had and award for most spirited, we would win that shit hands down! I took a whole buncha pictures, which i will be posting real soon, as well as a couple of videos. I will post a bit more of my experiences this weekend, but for now i gotta get some studying done, and try to catch up on some of the sleep i missed this weekend (and it was a alot).
Labels: college life, conference, FIU
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Guess who da hell this is......

It's........ drum roll please..........

FREAKING Tyra Banks!!!

Apparently she felt the need to dress and try to flow like a rapper, with the help of wack rapper extraordinaire, Chingy, for an upcoming episode of her show the Tyra Banks Show. First, she dresses up in a fat suit, becomes a stripper, then goes to jail (sounds a lot like the past 32 years of Lil' Kim's life, Ba-zing!). What the hell is wrong with this chick!? At least she is not re-hashing the same old ideas other talk shows do, and she got herself some "fresh" ideas. But you have to wonder what she gon' think of next. I predict that she is gonna dress up in rags and go hang with the homeless people for a week (if she hasn't done that already), that should be hilarious, cus' i just wanna see how long she hangs with the homeless people until one tries to mount her forehead and try to rape her.