The random return of Youtube Fridaze: Dancing Dora
I saw this the other day and it brought joy and happiness into my world, and being the kind and caring person i am, i would like to share my joy with you. Allow me to introduce to you, Dancing Dora.
P.S. I'm mad that a nigga got a Dora the Explorer costume laying around at the crib.
Can't wait, HDMI ports, coller CPU and 120gb hard drive, soon to be in stores. Thats the good thing about an extended warranty, you can bring da shit back and get a new one.
Location: Miami, By way of Jamaica, Florida, United States
I would describe myself as an uncomplicated guy, i'm generally nice to everyone. I guess i'm shy until you get to know me, i'm mostly quiet, but when i get crazy, yeah...let's just leave it at that. I'm passionate at pretty much everthing i do, and if anything is wrong i will try my best to rectify the situation, or at least come to an understanding. Word of advice, watch what you say around me, i can and WILL turn pretty much any damn thing into sexual innuendo. Peace, Have Fun and enjoy yo'selves, cus it's a celebration Bitches!!